Rocky Mtn Electric, LLC

22115 CR 52
Greeley, CO 80631

Residential Electrician Service

ARC Fault Circuit Breakers

Several cases have arisen where vacuum cleaners cause an Arc Fault Circuit Breaker to trip. We have contacted the manufacturer, Square D Customer Service Technical Support, for their assistance. They indicate that several types of vacuum cleaners can cause this problem - primarily Sears and Kenmore models.

The Arc Fault breaker is required by code and we cannot replace it with any other type of breaker. If you are having a problem with a tripped Arc Fault breaker, please call Square D and provide the following information:

  • Vacuum Cleaner Manufacturer
  • Model Number

Square D Customer Service Technical Support for Arc Fault Breakers: 888-778-2733.

For more information about Arc Faults and electrical safety please visit, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.

Rocky Mnt Electric, LLC provides electrical service to residential customers for any type of electrical problem. Please give us a call if you are having an electrical problem at your residence.

For a Free Electrical Estimate or any Questions, please Contact Us or call (970) 395-0536.